Hey all! Let me first begin by saying how displeased I am with my internet provider. It is so sketchy and unreliable it's ridiculous. I am looking into someone else because I thought this was the best in our area, or so I had heard, but now I am hearing other things and I just need to make the switch before I pull my hair out! Any who... I thought I'd include the picture above because I really liked my outfit yesterday. It was all Maurice's. Ponte pants are awesome! Let me just say. If you can't wear leggings to work but want something with the same feel and something that looks professional... those babies are it!
So this is what my week has consisted of... Turkey's for one. I've been seeing them around a lot lately.
I took Zoey to Lake Le Aqua Na State Park last Saturday for a 2 mile walk and then after that we went to Chloe's so she could play with her friend Cici....
While us Dog Mama's had wine and a sushi date :)
Sunday we kind of just bummed around and relaxed. Cleaned the house, watched TV, nothing very exciting.
Mostly though my week has consisted of capturing every sun rise this week. It's just so pretty!!
Also my week has been a lot of work. We recently had another employee leave the bank and it has caused a lot of chaos since we are already short staffed. Before I would work one "long week" (til 5:15) and then I'd work a "short" week (til 2:30) needless to say, I don't think I will be seeing those short weeks again anytime soon, which is fine because that means more money for me and I'm cool with that. Haha, as far as my sanity goes though, wine has been helping with that. I need to get on a new schedule though as far as posting because I was doing so well and now my schedule is all sorts of crazy! And again, my internet connection doesn't help at all!
I hope every is enjoying their Friday! Have a great weekend and I will post again SOON!!
X's & O's
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