
It all began the night of the CMT Music Awards, Jerry and I were snuggled up on the couch halfway asleep when I heard a commercial come on the tv. "Something, something.... Sugarland...." my eyes opened so fast "featuring Taylor Swift...."I kid you not, I flung Jerry's arm off me and jumped to a sitting potion. To take it back to the beginning, I have loved Sugarland, well, forever. I had one opportunity to go to one of their concerts in Chicago and it landed on my 21st birthday in which case I already had a party planned so the concert just didn't happen.

So when this commercial came on tv... realize at this point, I had thought Sugarland was no more! They didn't split but they went off to do their own things and do family things, and they hadn't produced a record in 8 years! I pulled out my phone to check out the details and sure enough they were touring again! I about lost my mind. They had always been on my bucket list and I thought I had missed my chance. I was able to convince my neighbor, who happens to be one of my best friends, to go with me. So we packed up the big truck and her 40' camper and off we went.

It was SO freaking good! I was halfway tempted to go to another one of their concerts but unfortunately they all land on a Thursday night near me and it's about a 2-3 hour drive so it won't work with my work schedule. But man... if I could go again, I totally would! 

Alright, enough of my ramblings! Here you go...

I can't even begin to explain what a magical experience it was. Their music is so beautiful and just speaks to the heart . 

" Remember it's precious when it's all done. Every breath it happens just once.
So lean it on back. Watch the sun go down. Watch it come back around.
Take the long way home, you can't get it back when it's gone.
Like a head bouncing when you feel the beat drop.
Yeah let it hit you right in the sweet spot.
Pushing too hard, little too fast and you wanna make it last.
Lean it on back."

<3 T


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