Rainy Days

Rain, rain go away, come back another day! Seriously, as much as I love thunder storms, does it always have to happen on my days off? I was really hoping to get outdoors and maybe stop by the lake, go for a nice hike.... but nope! Was able to snap a few pictures of the sunset on my way home from work the other night, isn't it gorgeous?
"And then there are times when the wolves are silent and the moon is howling."
- George Carlin

Then the storms rolled in. Both nights it has looked like 'War of the World's'. I wish I was over exaggerating, but it was terrifying.... then we lost power. One morning it was at 3am and last night it was at 2am. Kind of scary after having watched a horror movie.... which brings my to "Top 5 of the Weekend"

Top 5 of the Weekend

In no order...
5) Renting "Sinister" from a redbox.... terrifyingly disturbing to say the least
4) Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough for the horror movie
3) Scout visiting!!
2) My mom visiting Sunday night with my finished book bag
1) A night out with Jerry and Matt

Our house has a rustic theme to it and with that in mind my mom made us coasters! I personally love the one in the middle since I am slightly obsessed with turtles... no big deal.

On a fashion note, I feel like everyone should own a pair of white shorts! I can't wait to show you guys what to wear with them!

X's and O's


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